Free Tips For Selling a House By Owner



                                                                                                    Your Homes First Impression



Selling Your Home : First Impressions

Today is the day that people are coming to see your home. Selling a home is all about impressions. What will those pulling up into your driveway say about your home? What will they notice that is good? What will cause them to turn and run? There are many things that you should carefully consider about a home before you put it on the market to sell. The first impression of the home is the exterior. Here’s a checklist to help you ensure that your property is just what they are looking for:

What sticks out poorly? Take a walk to the curb and look at your home from the view that those that will be buying it will see it. What sticks out as something that would cause them to think twice? These are the areas you’ll need to tackle first.

Landscaping.  Make sure that you spend some time on the landscaping.  If there is time, reseed the lawn for a plush feel.  Insure that it is nice and green as well.  The bushes, trees and other garden aspects should be neat, free of debris and growing properly. Trim the bushes. Keep it uncluttered.

Get the toys and ‘stuff’ put away.  You should take some time to make sure that all the stuff that is normally in your yard is put away.  Now, don’t just shove it into the garage either.  You should carefully organize it all to show that you have taken care of your home throughout the time you have owned it.

The driveway and sidewalks near your home should be clean, free of any weeds and free of cracks.  If you can patch any holes or cracks, this will help.  Give it a good cleaning too.

Clean and repair: Gutters, downspouts, lights, statuary, window sills, the roofing and siding.

Taking the time to do all of these things will help you to easily and inexpensively improve the overall look of the home.  When someone drives past the home, sees the ‘for sale’ sign, and looks at your home, they will want to pull into the driveway and walk right in to find just what else the home has to offer.  Selling a home begins with putting the best product on the market that you can.

Click for more Useful Tips to Help you to Get Ready for Selling your Home.