Free Tips For Selling a House By Owner



                                                                                                    The Showings




One of the prime ways to sell your home is to use showings.  During this time, you or your real estate agent will be the only individuals in the home. You will advertise that you are having it. Hopefully, interested individuals will come to your home and see just what you have to offer. If they like it, they may even put a bid on the home. To make sure that they have a good impression when they come to the showing, there are several things that you will want to do for it.
  • Make sure all clutter is put away and kept away. Now, people are going to open up the cabinets and closets, so makes sure that the clutter doesn’t just go into one of these. Instead, take the time before the showing to insure that everything is put away.
  • Check the smell. A home that smells good is one that is welcoming. No over powering smells should be present. Definite problems would be things like pet odors and strong cooking smells. Bake a batch of cookies or some bread beforehand if you can.
  • Open the window coverings. Let the light stream in. People want to see that there is light to fill the rooms of the home.
  • Keep it clean. The first time showing may be the most difficult to prepare for. You may even want to hire a professional to come in and do a thorough, deep cleaning of the home before hand.
  • Keep the pets and the kids out of the home. Some people do not want to buy a home that has a pet in it. Some won’t even come in to a home where there is a dog.
  • Provide your potential buyers with all that they need to know about your home.  Provide them with the details of the home and ask them to leave their information so that you can call them back and thank them for coming.

Doing these things can help you to have a great showing of your home. Putting your best foot forward can help you to get more offers and to sell your home quickly.

Now click for tips for selecting the best time to sell your home.